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Prenatal Chiropractic Care in Roswell

Helping Mom and Baby Stay Healthy

Dr. Rich specializes in working with families and expectant mothers. Chiropractic care for pregnant mothers greatly eases mothers’ discomfort during pregnancy. Chiropractic care for newborns involves checking that their spines are in proper alignment after the stress of birth.

Pregnancy and chiropractic care

Many pregnant patients often report shorter, more pleasant deliveries when they receive chiropractic care.

It’s important to know that care for infants is not provided in the same way as care for adults. Dr. Rich has techniques that are specific to newborns and their fragile, growing bodies.

At first glance, most people don’t see the connection between chiropractic and pregnancy. However, there are four stages in which having an optimally working nervous system can help both mother and child.


Chiropractic care prepares the body to be as strong, supple and balanced as possible to carry the pregnancy.


Regular chiropractic care during pregnancy appeals to mothers who seek a natural approach to better health.

Labor and Birth

Many rely on chiropractic care to help assure optimum biomechanics of the hips and spine in the hopes of reducing the need for interventions during the birth process.

After Birth

Even natural births can stress a baby’s spine. Breastfeeding problems can arise if the baby has a subluxation and is unable to comfortably turn its head to one side.

Relax. We use special approaches to make our adjustments safe and comfortable for you and your child.

We want you and your baby to experience optimal health! Call (575) 623-2900 for an appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Will adjustments hurt my baby?
  • Will adjustments make my spine too loose?
  • Pregnancy is natural. Why would I need chiropractic?
  • Will my medical doctor approve?
  • What does my spine have to do with my baby?